
Nicolle Wojcik

Thank you so much for a wonderful year, I really appreciate all of the hard work that you’ve done for this class. Not just that, but all of the times that you have stuck by the us and not left us with a supply teacher too many times. I truely hope that you have an amazing summer with your family and friends, and I wish you all the best with your next class.

Your favourite band
Michael Jackson

What will you remember the most?
“Excuse limit 0”

A message for next years class
Don’t stress over projects TOO much, it dosen’t help.


Victoria Wetten

Mr. Height I hope you have better luck next year with other kids, that hopefully behave more.

Your favourite band

What will you remember the most?
I will remember the long discussions each morning of the day.

A message for next years class
Next years class be good students, everything will turn out better for you.


Vander mackeviciusc

Thanks for putting up with me and cohan, bestof luck in life.

Your favourite band
Nardo wick

What will you remember the most?
The phone calls home

A message for next years class
Always listen to the stupid friend, just dont get caught.


Brooklyn Jensen

Thanks for helping me with school this year. Thanks for not making fun of me as much as Maddy. Thanks for the candy.

Your favourite band
Dzidio or Mr worldwide

What will you remember the most?
When Mr Height was mad at us the day after the supply or when Brent, Ethan and Tyler did a presentation about how Hong Kong was 100% fsh beef.

A message for next years class
Don’t steal height bucks and pay your taxes.


Nicholas Ritchie

Hello Mr. Height. I’ve wanted to thank you for a while, you’ve helped me alot this year with my learning skills. Before this year I was a way worse student and really shy, now I have much more confidence and I give my best in my work. So, th

Your favourite band

What will you remember the most?
It will probably be the grad, but I’ll remember when I kicked Tegans butt and when Bhagat lodged a soccer ball into a tree.



If you ever get Ayden as a student you have to tell him about me all the time, seriously, all the time. Also thank you for actually teaching me something, no school work’s ever made as much sense as the stuff I did this year because you actually taught it in a way that made sense. Also the video I sent you need to put it as fast as it will allow.

Your favourite band
Ariana Grande, Eminem

What will you remember the most?
When Mr. Height yelled at us cause of Ms. Speranzi

A message for next years class
Don’t even try to be like us you’re not even gonna compare. No class will ever annoy Mr. Height like we did.



Thanks for helping me this year

Your favourite band
I don’t know

What will you remember the most?
when we had to read the little blue truck

A message for next years class
make sure you know your money


Daniel White

Thanks for letting us play guitar iw is so fun!

Your favourite band

What will you remember the most?
The Gr 8 grad because it is the last grad we have at the school

A message for next years class
Have fun the year goes by fast



Thank you for teaching me and helping me understand whatever we were learning no matter how difficult it was. I actually learned lots this year and you were a great teacher. Not only did i learn stuff i had fun this school year, you were a fun teacher.

Your favourite band
No clue but the music we listened to in class on the records was cool

What will you remember the most?
I will remember the grad trip the most because it was fairly recent and lots of fun.

A message for next years class
Even if you don’t understand something the first time there are plenty of ways to be taught it and don’t forget to ask for help. Also to try your best at all of your work because effort shows.


Isabella Krause

Over the past 2 years, you’ve shown me what it’s like to have a teacher who truly cares. I walk into your class everyday, willing to learn and try my best. You’re such a great role model and I look up to you so much. Your positive attitude and enthusiastic energy is so contagious. I came to class excited to learn because you were excited to teach. Your constant smile and frequent corny jokes created a fun and positive environment for the classroom.
Many times somehow you found the perfect balance of challenging us and being there for support when we didn’t understand something. You always showed concern, broke it down, and didn’t move on until we got it. With your encouragement and support, I walked out of your classroom thinking that anything is possible if you’re willing to work for it.
You truly are a standout teacher because of your dedication to your students. Being able to count on you for extra help and clarification shows how much you care about the happiness and success of your students. Though it is cliche, it honestly is the little things. You never gave off the impression that you just come to class to collect a paycheck. You genuinely showed concern and interest in your students.
Without you, I do not know where I would be. I’d assume it wouldn’t be great since I had McGarry and Hamilton before you. You made a major difference in my life. All of those times you went the extra mile for me, I really did notice. The kind words and support you gave me helped give me a sense of hope. Your belief in me made me believe in myself.
You explain things in a unique way that makes the most sense unlike any other teacher I’ve had. I especially loved how you always related the lessons to real life examples that would allow the material to make more logical sense to students and always give us something to relate the lessons to. Such as when you tell us to think of addition and subtraction of integers as a money exchange by being in debt and earning money. It made it so much easier to recall the material when being tested on it or when we needed it for homework.
I will never forget all the fun activities you included in your class to enhance learning.
Thank you for the very special, fun and memorable years. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. I wish you good luck in your future years, and I hope you have a good summer with Parker and your wife.

Your favourite band
Ed Sheeran

What will you remember the most?
I’m going to miss asking Mr. Hamilton for help to hang your face on a baby mobile. Then showing up at school with a sticky note covered desk. I’ll always remember one of the first things I learnt about you was that you weren’t good at language. That fact was proven many times when you misspelled words on the board. I’m obviously going to miss your rants on Star Wars and Marvel. I remember on my first day in your class, you had a debate with the class about if Marvel or DC was better and I had no idea what you were talking about. I also remember that being the first time I thought you were a nerd. The thing I’ll miss the most though, is your dad jokes which have only gotten worse. Most of all, whenever there’s multiple ways to get an answer, I’ll hear your voice saying “I don’t care how you get it as long as it’s the right answer”.

A message for next years class
I’m so jealous. Out of the whole school, you have the best teacher by far.